Relief Charitable Fund
Our Relief Charitable Fund, initially named ‘The Poor’s Charity’, was established in 1837 when the Charity Commission amalgamated 10 existing Barnstaple charities aimed at supporting those in need.
The fund has two functions:
To provide grants for ‘Relief in Need’ and for ‘Apprentices / Education’.
Our maximum grant award is £300, however, in exceptional circumstances additional funds may be awarded. Applications are made by completing our Application for Grant Form and returning it to the Estate Manager.
Applicants are advised to read the following guidance prior to making an application.
Relief In Need Grant
We favour grants which are requested through a recognised agency, for example, social services or another public authority or charity. Individuals may apply but should provide as much information as possible about their cause and financial contributions. Applicants may only submit one request for funds.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate a clear need and are requested to provide as much current and historic information as possible on the application form.
References must be submitted with the form from a recognisable source such as social services, a GP or supporting charity.
Applications for the Relief in Need Grant are not exclusive to, but may include:
- Immediate aid in the event of an emergency.
- Travel and other expenses for visiting people in hospital or other institutions which are out of the area.
- Provision of essential goods to maintain an acceptable standard of living such as bedding, clothing, heating appliances, white goods, furniture and carpets
- Provisions for home repairs such as repainting, insulation, carpentry and skilled engineering works.
- Payments towards the cost of adaptation to the homes of the disabled
- Payments for food for special diets, medical or other aids, nursing requisites or comforts
- Provision of invalid chairs for the disabled, handicapped or infirm.
- Provisions to support the elderly or lonely
- Special payments to relieve sudden distress
If you would like to apply for a Relief in Need Grant please download the application form and return it to the Charity Manager.
Apprentice / Educational Grants
Applications are open to students living in Barnstaple and the surrounding five mile area who attend either a local school or college or requires support for university. Applicants must be able to demonstrate a clear need and are requested to provide as much information about the apprenticeship or educational course as possible. Applicants may only submit one request for funds.
Professional references from a tutor, teacher or faculty head must be submitted with the application stating that the grant is to assist the applicants progressions into further education or apprenticeship.
Applications for the Apprentice / Educational Grant are not exclusive to but may include:
- Supply of tools or books
- Payment of fees for instruction or examination
- Travelling expenses
If you would like to apply for an Apprentice / Educational Grant please download the application form and return it to the Charity Manager.
If you would like any further information please contact our Charity Manager who will be happy to help.
The Trustees of the Charity meet twice a year in January and July to review applications. Emergency applications at other times may be considered.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact our Estate Manager.